White and Yellow Strawberries

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The White Alpine or Yellow Wonder Alpine Strawberry plants are very heavy producers often sweeter than red strawberries. The white strawberries tend to have a bit of a pineapple flavor to them while the yellow have an exotic flavor much like passion fruit. You can enjoy the berries fresh or in any way you would any other strawberry. They can give a very unique and beautiful new look to some old favorite deserts! Most people have never seen a white or yellow strawberry before, so whether they are spotted in your yard or as part of a tasty treat, they are sure to spark intrigue!

Birds tend not to target the fruit of this variety, presumably because of the color.  Just as nature intended and not genetically modified! There are many different  named varieties available, most growing in conditions just as any regular strawberry. These are generally quite hard to find, so growing from them seed is often a Gardener’s only choice in obtaining these beauties for home! Starting Strawberries from seed is not as hard as you may think!

Learn more about starting strawberries from seed here!
Below search a wide variety of these interesting strawberry seeds and get growing your own!

After buying the strawberry seeds, place them in the freezer up to 72 hours. This will improve the percentage of seeds that will germinate, when you plant them. Freezing stimulates the natural process of the seed going through the winter months and will help jump start the strawberry seeds.

Prepare your seed tray by sterilizing your containers . The soil should be ½ an inch deep. A mixture of ¾ peat moss and ¼ organic rich soil is just right to start the strawberries. Sprinkle the seeds over the damp soil mixture and add a light dusting of peat moss over the top.

Keep the seeds moist and out of direct sunlight until they have germinated, I like to cover mine with a damp newspaper to keep from the light. The strawberry seeds can take 2-3 weeks to germinate. Once the strawberry plants have sprouted,wait for the 3rd true leaves to transplant into bigger containers.


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