Thank you!

More Information

Well here we are just over a month until the official first day of Spring according to my Canadian calendar!

I have been very busy packaging and labeling seeds to fill up the webstore on my brand spankin’ new website! I must give a huge thank you to Ian at Urban Web Designs in Victoria, BC Canada He has some amazing patience, and was able to take all the ideas from my head and get them laid out just the way I imagined on the website. Since the new website has launched which has only been a couple weeks, visitors to have increased by 962 percent – amazing huh!

I also want to send out a huge thank you to everyone that has supported me in this venture by “liking” my facebook page, sharing my posts and making purchases on my website.  It truly does inspire me more and more each and every day! Just over a year ago I decided to create the BYD facebook page just to share some of my gardening adventures with friends and family.  Gardening, creating and teaching others to do the same  has always been a passion of mine, plus muckin’ about in the dirt is always relaxing!  Things really have taken off and I am blessed and so grateful that I can provide fun, easy ways to garden and create!

Stay tuned for all kinds of new information and ideas – Spring is just around the corner and I can hardly wait!

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