Nero Tondo – Radish
The leaves and seed pods are also edible. Nero Tondo is an excellent winter keeper and may be left in the ground and covered with straw mulch for protection from freezing; alternatively, they can be stored indoors in sand.
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Heirloom Black Spanish Round Radish, also known as Noir Fros Rond d’Hiver, that traces its history back to at least the 16th Century and was introduced commercially in France as early as 1824. The roots are a globe shaped and can reach 5- 6 inches in diameter and feather a crispy white flesh with a pungent, peppery taste, but can become mild and sweet as it grows larger. Best harvested when they reach the size of a 3 inches.
Space seeds ½ inch deep and 1 inch apart; firm the soil and water gently. Make weekly spring sowings as soon as you can work the soil (4 to 6 weeks before the last expected frost) until early summer; start again in late summer. Sow winter radishes in midsummer for a fall harvest.
Approximately 1 very large teaspoon of seeds, well over 70 seeds per package.
Always heirloom!