German Chamomile

$2.00 Add to cart

German chamomile is also known as scented mayweed and wild chamomile.

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A hardy self-seeding annual with pleasantly scented flowers, and is primarily grown for medicinal use. Harvest the small, sweet smelling flowers when they are fully open. Use the petals fresh or dry.

This variety of chamomile is very easy to grow!
Sow seeds 1/2″ deep in early spring indoors or after last frost directly where it is to grow. If starting indoors, be sure to harden seedlings off before they are transplanted.
Keep moist, and thin or transplant to 4-6″ apart. Seeds should sprout in 10-14 days. Does best in full sun in well-drained soil, but is adaptable to shadier conditions.

Approximately 1/8th a teaspoon of seed per package, well over 100 seeds per package.

Heirloom and Organic

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