Foxtail Lily

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The common names foxtail lilies and desert candles, describe the appearance of the flower spikes, bushy like an animal tail. These names are often easier to remember than the botanical name eremurus . These tall, dramatic perennials are outstanding plants for warm weather gardens.  This plant sure conjures up interest in my backyard with “Wow – what is that beautiful plant?”  Their tapered spike flowers can add interest to mixed beds and borders while attracting beneficial insects to your garden.

Foxtail in my yard Spring 2012

Growing Foxtail Lilies
Foxtail lilies aren’t fussy about soil, they will not survive in soggy soil or standing water. Find a location where the soil drains well. Plant foxtail lilies where they will receive full sun. These plants will grow in light shade but develop much stronger stems in bright sunlight. Also consider wind, especially for the tallest varieties. Choosing a site with protection from strong winds increases the likelihood that you’ll be able to enjoy the majestic flower spikes for as long as possible every blooming season.  After blooming has finished for the season feel free to trim off the flower spikes but leave the foliage in place. The leaves will gather sunlight, create food through photosynthesis and strengthen the bulb for the future. Water as needed during active growth periods, about 1″ of moisture per week is a good estimate, weekly deep waterings are better than lighter drinks every day or two.

Eremurus prefer to remain undisturbed and therefore are not good candidates for containers. Hardy from zones 4 -8, grows 24-36″ tall.

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