Backyard Diva » Seed Shop Gardening ideas, heirloom seeds and much more! Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:42:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Quadrato D’Asti Giallo Pepper Tue, 03 Feb 2015 20:14:21 +0000 admin The huge fruit of the giant yellow Quadrato bell pepper is a favorite. This variety  grows 4 – 6″ beautiful blocky peppers with very thick walls — the flavor is outstanding, sweet and rich! This Italian variety produces very heavy yields.

Planting Instructions:
Start seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before last frost date of spring. Surface sow or barely cover the seeds, which benefit from the light to speed germination. Keep seed-trays warm and do not allow to dry out. When sprouts appear, move to a sunny window or grow light.

Set out well-developed transplants after last frost date when weather is warm. Peppers need rich soil and can be harvested green or ripe. Approximately 80 days till maturity.

Each package contains approximately 25 heirloom seeds.

Always non-gmo seeds!

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Purple Plum – Radish Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:04:04 +0000 admin  

Here is one lovely radish with bright purple skin. 1-1/2-inch globes have sweet, crisp, white flesh which does not get pithy.

Space seeds ½ inch deep and 1 inch apart; firm the soil and water gently. Make weekly spring sowings as soon as you can work the soil (4 to 6 weeks before the last expected frost) until early summer; start again in late summer. Sow winter radishes in midsummer for a fall harvest. 28 days till maturity.

Approximately 1 teaspoon of seeds, well over 70 seeds per package.

Always heirloom, never GMO!

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Lollo Rossa – Lettuce Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:27:47 +0000 admin Red Lollo Rosso lettuce is a classic Italian Heirloom lettuce, with dark copper red fading to bright green in the very center. The finely crinkled leaves are crisp, almost brittle when snapped. A most beautiful lettuce! This lettuce is appreciated for its unique shape and refreshing taste. It holds well in summer heat and in the cold. Harvest outer leaves or the entire plant.

Lettuce can grow from seed to salad in about 1 month in many regions, and only a little longer in others. The key to tender and tasty lettuce is rapid growth, however lettuce has a relatively shallow and compact root system that doesn’t absorb nutrients and moisture from the soil very efficiently, which can slow the growth. So to encourage fast growth, add plenty of finished compost before planting and again as a side-dressing a week or so after seedlings appear or transplants are planted. Give supplemental feedings of compost tea every few weeks until harvest.

Sow seeds 1/8” deep when soil can be worked in early Spring.

Approximately 100+ Heirloom/Organic seeds per package.

Always non-gmo seeds!

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Nasturtium Mix Fri, 09 Jan 2015 00:14:31 +0000 admin SORRY, SOLD OUT!
Nasturtiums are an easy-to-grow hardy annual with edible leaves and flowers. These plants with their bright greenery and vibrant flowers are good for containers or ground covers. Their pretty fragrance also makes them a good choice for cut flowers. This variety contains a beautiful blend of yellows and oranges that will climb often beyond 5 ft.  Nasturtiums make an excellent companion plant in the vegetable garden.

Nasturtiums often self seed in warmer climates, seeds are easy to collect for the following year.
Sow seeds indoors early 1/4″ deep transplant after frost. Or direct sow when the soil is warm. Partial shade to sunny location.

Your package will include minimum 40 seeds. Heirloom/Organic
Never GMO!

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Red Rubin Basil Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:58:50 +0000 admin High yields and great flavor. Flat, 3″ long leaves stand out horizontally, a great addition to any herb garden!

Indoors: sow seed  6-8 weeks before last frost date. Days to germination 5-10 days. When all danger of frost is past, transfer plants outside when seedlings have 3-4 sets of leaves, in a sunny location, spacing 12-18″ apart, in rows 18″ apart.

Outdoors: Direct sow seed after last frost date and soil is warm. Thin plants to 12-18″ apart. Days to germination: 5-10 days. 65-70 days to harvest.

Harvest – light harvesting of leaves may begin after plants have become established. It is best done in the early morning when the temperature is cooler, and the leaves are less likely to wilt. Full harvest should be done just before plants start to flower. Cut the entire plant 4″-6″ above the ground to promote a second growth. Leaves are easily bruised when picking, so handle with care. Store Basil above 50 degrees F. after harvest. If exposed to temperatures lower than 50 degrees F, basil can suffer from cold damage. Use a separate cooler space for cut basil, where you can control the temperature, or store in a cool, dark place.

1/4 teaspoon of Heirloom/Organic seeds per package (well over 100 seeds)
Never GMO!

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White Tomesol Tomato Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:33:28 +0000 admin An amazing heirloom that is bursting with fragrance and natural goodness that’s hard to beat, both sweet and rich. This tomato is an excellent slicing tomato. The cream colored fruit are beautiful, smooth and weigh about 8 ounces each. The vines set heavy yields of this rare treasure. Indeterminate, 80 – 90 days till maturity.

Sow seeds indoors 6 – 8 weeks prior to transplanting outdoors in a sunny location in Spring.
Approximately 25 Heirloom/Organic seeds per package.
Always heirloom never GMO!

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Black Boy – Bachelor Button Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:50:34 +0000 admin Nearly black flowers are perfect for the old-fashioned cottage garden, this rare heirloom was listed in Buist’s 1942 catalog.

Bachelor Button’s are easy to grow and flower non-stop throughout the summer months and well into fall, and excellent choice for cut flowers!  Pinch back spent blooms to encourage non-stop blooming.

Bachelor Button’s require little maintenance and thrive in poor, dry soil, including sand or clay. Plant seeds directly in the garden after the last frost in early spring. In frost-free climates, plant the seeds in autumn for spring blooms. Although the plant is an annual, it usually reseeds itself for a repeat appearance year after year.
Lightly cover seeds with soil, plant in full sun!

Your package will include 25+ seeds
Grown without the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers, hand picked and packaged!

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Sweet Pea Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:42:53 +0000 admin SORRY, SOLD OUT
A beautiful blend of heirloom Sweet Pea varieties sure to brighten your garden with loads of color and amazing scents!

Included in the package:
Beaujolais – Large fragrant blossoms are a rich burgundy wine color.
Blue Reflections - Superb blend of fragrant Reflection sweet peas in all shades of blue and white.
Dorthy Eckford -  Fragrant and pure white. In 1901 Henry Eckford introduced this variety, naming it after his granddaughter.
Princess Elizabeth – Produces lots of fragrant, creamy-pink blossoms.
Old Spice Mix – Varieties dating 1901-1907, many brilliant shades of colors

Soak seeds up to 24 hours before planting. Plants are strongest from an early, indoor sowing. Sweet peas can also be direct sown in the fall wherever winters are mild. Or direct sow seeds as soon as soil is workable in early Spring. Once planted, germination can take 7 to 15 days, depending on the soil temperature. Give them at least 6 ft of good support that they can cling to. When plants become established, mulch well to keep the soil cool and moist. If you mulch, you may not need to water your sweet peas unless the soil gets dry. To encourage bushy growth, pinch off the tops when plants are 6 inches tall, not before or you’ll encourage premature side-shoot development.

Your package will include 30+ seeds. *grown for ornamental purposes only, do not eat*
Grown without the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers, hand picked and packaged.

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Danvers Half Long – Carrot Tue, 08 Apr 2014 19:07:18 +0000 admin Heirloom Danvers Half Long Carrots date back to the 1870′s.  A good old standard carrot, adaptable and dependable. Thick 7” roots have good crisp, sweet flavor and very productive.

Carrots are a hardy, cool season crop that can be planted in the garden as soon as the  soil can be prepared in the spring.
Sow seeds shallow to about 1/8″ deep in warm fertile soil in Spring. Thin seeds to about 2-3″ apart.
Matures in about 70 days.
Approximately 1/2 tablespoon heirloom/organic
(well over 250 seeds)

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May Queen Lettuce Fri, 21 Mar 2014 19:46:06 +0000 admin A famous 19th Century European heirloom butterhead lettuce. This early maturing lettuce is ideal for the early spring plantings under cloches. Pale green heads are tinged with red, and the sweet, pale yellow hearts have a pink blush to them.  About 50 days till maturity.

Sow seeds 1/8” deep when soil can be worked in early Spring.

Approximately 100+ Heirloom/Organic seeds per package.

Always non-gmo seeds!

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