Black Barlow Columbine

$3.00 Add to cart

One of the most colorful of all the different columbine varieties!

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Black Barlow (Aquilegia vulgaris) produces numerous fully double blooms and grows to 3′ tall. Attracts both hummingbirds and butterflies. Zones 2-9
Blooming time is in late spring. The plants prefer to grow in the shade (or in partial shade). Common soil is fine, it should be kept moist, but the plants can withstand some dryness. You do not have to water them very often. The plants do easily self-seed. So, you better deadhead them after blooming to prevent that they become unchecked in growth (these are perennial plants that return year after year).

Best Germination: Start indoors 6 – 8 weeks early. Store seeds in fridge for 48 hours hours prior to germination, soak seeds in water for 2 – 3 hours, plant on top of seed starting mixture, sprinkle soil lightly to cover. Keep moist not wet, do not allow to dry out. transplant outdoors after frost. Pre-stratified.

Approximately 1/4 teaspoon of Organic seeds per package (over 40+ seeds).

Never GMO!

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