Basil Oil

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I love all kinds of basil you can never have enough! This variety in the picture is called African Blue Basil.

One of the primary medicinal uses for basil is for its anti-inflammatory properties. This effect stems from eugenol, a volatile oil in basil that blocks enzymes in the body that cause swelling, making basil an ideal treatment for people with arthritis. Basil also offers many more important health benefits that will have you adding a little basil to your next meal.

This is a simple way to capture that unique flavor!

1) 1/4 cup basil – choose your favorites!
2) 2 cups olive or sunflower oil
Remove stalks from basil and begin to crush with a mortor.

Pound slightly continuously adding a little oil and a few more basil leaves.

This helps release the natural oils from the basil.

Pour into wide mouth mason jar and seal tightly.

Store in a sunny windowsill for about 10 days, shaking every other day.

Strain through muslin or cheese cloth into a decorative bottle finishing with a few fresh basil leaves for decoration.

You can use this oil for cooking, salads and more!
This recipe can be adapted for many other herbs such as dill, fennel, sage, thyme and more!

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